Resources and Links
As a service to its members and to others interested in traumatic stress, AsianSTSS lists the Web sites of organizations with similar interests and goals.
AsianSTSS does not endorse nor is it responsible for content on these Web sites.
Resources on COVID-19 support
The 9th Global Conference of the Alliance for Healthy Cities
Main theme: Smarter Healthy Cities beyond COVID-19
Recording of the conference is now available in the official website!
They are recorded in English with subtitles available
Mental Health Under and Beyond COVID-19 was the sub-theme of the conference. Here is the link to the recording of the presentation by
- Mr. Leong CHEUNG, Executive Director, Charities and Communities, The Hong Kong Jockey Club
- Dr. Martin VANDENDYCK, Technical Lead, Mental Health and Substance Use Division of Programmes for Disease Control, WHO Western Pacific
Resources on Psychological Support related to the event of Occupy Central in Hong Kong
- 適合社會上各人仕的情緒支援資料
- 社區創傷或發生重大事故後為年青人提供心理支援 - 給教育界同工參考建議(亞洲創傷心理研究學會翻譯及改編)
- Helping youth after community trauma - Tips for educators (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)
- 政改示威事件:心理支援服務實務經驗分享會內容撮要 (香港心理學會臨床心理學組危急事故小組編寫)
- 有關面對抗爭的心理援助-下載版 (香港心理學會臨床心理學組危急事故小組編寫)
- 大時代懶人包 (一群香港心理學會註冊臨床心理學家編寫)
- 大時代懶人包_Eng (written by a group of Hong Kong Psychological Society Registered Clinical Psychologists)
- 當「雨傘」遇上情緒...怎麼辦? (突破輔導中心)
Resources related to Philippines Typhoon Haiyan
- 如何關顧受海燕風災影響的在港菲傭 (亞洲創傷心理研究學會編寫)(繁體)
- 災後的心理健康 (香港紅十字會出版)(繁體)
- Psychological Well-being after Disasters (by Hong Kong Red Cross)(English)
- Psychological Well-being after Disasters (by Hong Kong Red Cross)(Tagalog)
Resources related to Japanese Earthquake and Tsunamis
- Trauma News Watch 創傷新聞網 (繁體)
- Japanese Society for traumatic stress studies (日語)
- Japanese Society for traumatic stress studies (English)
Hong Kong Sites
- Caritas Family Crisis Support Centre (明愛向晴軒)
- Critical Incident Team, Division of Clinical Psychology, Hong Kong Psychological Society (香港心理學會臨床心理學組轄下危急事故小組)
- Division of Clinical Psychology, Hong Kong Psychological Society (香港心理學會臨床心理學組)
- Hong Kong Psychological Society (香港心理學會)
- Integrated Family Service Centres / Integrated Services Centres operated by Social Welfare Department and subvented Non-governmental organizations (社會福 利署及受資助非政府機構綜合家庭服務中心 / 綜合服務中心)
- The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrist (香港精神科醫學院)
- The Hong Kong Council of Social Service(香港社會服務聯會)
- The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong (香港撒瑪利亞防止自殺會)
World Sites
- Australasian Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
- European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
- International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Journal of Traumatic Stress
- The Institute of Psychotrauma Pakistan (IPTP) / Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- UK Trauma Group
- The Traumatic-Stress Network
- American Psychological Association
- Mental Health InfoSource
- Internet Mental Health Pages
- The Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies
- Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health
- David Baldwin's Trauma Pages
- Traumatology
- Trauma Articles Online
- Australian Trauma Web
- National Center for PTSD in US
- World Health Organization— Mental Health in Emergencies
- World Health Organization— First United Nations Global Road Safety Week
- World Health Organization— Road Safety
- World Health Organization— WHO Framework for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support after the Tsunami
- Health and Human Rights info
- Caritas Family Crisis Support Centre (明愛向晴軒) — 18288
- Hospital Authority — Hospitals and Institutions Hotlines (醫院管理局醫院及醫療機構熱線一覽)
- The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong (香港撒瑪利亞防止自殺會) — 23892222
- Social Welfare Department (社會福利署) — 23432255
Best Practice
- NHS National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence - Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Clinical Guideline
- APA Practice Guideline
- International First Aid and Resuscitation Guidelines 2011
Manuals in Chinese
- 中文版心理急救現場操作指南(第二版) Chinese version of the Psychological First Aid ― Field Operations Guide, 2nd Edition
(譯自 National Child Traumatic Stress Network and National Centre for PTSD, Psychological First Aid: Field Operations Guide, 2nd Edition, July 2006) (繁體) - 中文版心理急救現場操作指南(第二版) Chinese version of the Psychological First Aid ― Field Operations Guide, 2nd Edition
(譯自 National Child Traumatic Stress Network and National Centre for PTSD, Psychological First Aid: Field Operations Guide, 2nd Edition, July 2006) (簡體) - 緊急狀態下的精神衛生 (世界衛生組織編寫) (簡體)
- 為社區幹部與志工以及宗教團體幹部所設計的 (災難) 心理急救手冊試用二版 (繁體)
- 露宿家庭的心理急救 (Psychological First Aid for Families Experiencing Homelessness)
(譯自Crystal Cullerton-Sen, Abigail Gewirtz 及 Ambit Network 之成員編寫的"Psychological First Aid for Families Experiencing Homelessness", 2009) (繁體) - 露宿青少年的心理急救 (Psychological First Aid for Youth Experiencing Homelessness)
(譯自Arlene Schneir 及Hollywood Homeless Youth Partnership 的成員機構編寫的"Psychological First Aid for Youth Experiencing Homelessness", 2009) (繁體)
Manuals in English
- Mental health in emergencies(by World Health Organization)
- IASC Guidelines on Mental health and Psychosocial support in emergency settings
- Psychological First Aid ― Field Operations Guide
Manuals in other languages
- Journal of Traumatic Stress with Traditional and Simplified Chinese Abstracts by AsianSTSS (electronic version)
Pamphlets and other resources
Pamphlets and other resources in Chinese
- 有關四川地震後的心理援助 (香港心理學會臨床心理學組轄下危急事故小組編寫) (繁體)
- 有關四川地震後的心理援助 (香港心理學會臨床心理學組轄下危急事故小組編寫) (簡體)
- 如何照顧經歷災難後的孩子 (香港心理學會臨床心理學組編寫) (繁體)
- 如何照顧經歷災難後的孩子 (香港心理學會臨床心理學組編寫) (簡體)
- 如何應付災後焦慮情緒 (一) (基督教聯合醫務協會編寫) (繁體)
- 如何應付災後焦慮情緒 (二) (基督教聯合醫務協會編寫) (繁體)
- 如何應付災後焦慮情緒 (一) (基督教聯合醫務協會編寫) (簡體)
- 如何應付災後焦慮情緒 (二) (基督教聯合醫務協會編寫) (簡體)
- 如何應付災後哀傷情緒 (一) (基督教聯合醫務協會編寫) (繁體)
- 如何應付災後哀傷情緒 (二) (基督教聯合醫務協會編寫) (繁體)
- 如何應付災後哀傷情緒 (一) (基督教聯合醫務協會編寫) (簡體)
- 如何應付災後哀傷情緒 (二) (基督教聯合醫務協會編寫) (簡體)
- 給會員有關四川地震後心理支援工作的參考建議 (亞洲創傷心理研究學會及香港心理學會臨床心理學組編寫) (繁體)
- 給會員有關四川地震後心理支援工作的參考建議 (亞洲創傷心理研究學會及香港心理學會臨床心理學組編寫) (簡體)
- 報導及支援災難事件工作者的自我照顧及心境平衡 (香港心理學會臨床心理學組轄下危急事故小組編寫) (繁體)
- 報導及支援災難事件工作者的自我照顧及心境平衡 (香港心理學會臨床心理學組轄下危急事故小組編寫) (簡體)
- 心理資訊 -- 兒童和創傷 Children and Trauma, 大規模災難和創傷 Mass Disaster and Trauma, 創傷失落和創傷性傷悲 Trauma, Loss and Traumatic Grief-- International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Society (簡體)
- 創傷後壓力症 (明愛醫院臨床心理科編印)
- 眼動減敏重整治療 (香港眼動減敏重整治療研究小組編印)
- 交通意外後的心理反應 (醫院管理局臨床心理服務統籌委員會督印)
- 創傷後壓力症對兒童的影響 (明愛醫院臨床心理科編印)
- 治療創傷後壓力之認知行為治療 (明愛醫院臨床心理科編寫)
- Coping with Trauma 創傷自療法 (香港心理學會臨床心理學組著作)
- Managing Traumatic Stress(香港心理學會臨床心理學組翻譯,美國心理會著作)
- 非傳染病直擊 二零零九年六月 第二卷 第六期 -- 香港交通事故傷亡概覽及車禍後的心理困擾 衞生署衞生防護中心監測及流行病學處出版 (中文)
Pamphlets and other resources in English
- Aware of Wellness (by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups)
- Violence and Injury Prevention - Managing Speed (by World Health Organization, in the context of the Fourth UN Global Road Safety Week)
- Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT)
- United Nations Committee against Torture Adopts New General Comment on Right to Redress
- Psychological Self-Care For Media and Victim Support Workers (by Critical Incident Team, Division of Clinical Psychology, Hong Kong Psychological Society)
- Suggestions to Members on Psychological Support Work after the Sichuan Earthquake(by Asian Society for Traumatic Stress Studies and Division of Clinical Psychology, Hong Kong Psychological Society)
- Helping People with Posttraumatic Stress in the Community (by Dr. Kitty Wu for Hong Kong Council of Social Services )
- Non-Communicable Diseases Watch Volume 2 Number 6 June 2009 -- Transport-related Deaths in Hong Kong: An Overview and Emotional Toll of Road Traffic Crashes produced by the Surveillance and Epidemiology Branch, Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health (English)
Pamphlets and other resources in other languages
- Under construction
- Article Count:
- 1