
As a service to its members and to others interested in traumatic stress, AsianSTSS lists the Web sites of organizations with similar interests and goals.

AsianSTSS does not endorse nor is it responsible for content on these Web sites.

Resources on COVID-19 support

The 9th Global Conference of the Alliance for Healthy Cities
Main theme: Smarter Healthy Cities beyond COVID-19

Recording of the conference is now available in the official website!

They are recorded in English with subtitles available

Mental Health Under and Beyond COVID-19 was the sub-theme of the conference. Here is the link to the recording of the presentation by

  • Mr. Leong CHEUNG, Executive Director, Charities and Communities, The Hong Kong Jockey Club
  • Dr. Martin VANDENDYCK, Technical Lead, Mental Health and Substance Use Division of Programmes for Disease Control, WHO Western Pacific

Resources on Psychological Support related to the event of Occupy Central in Hong Kong

Resources related to Philippines Typhoon Haiyan

Resources related to Japanese Earthquake and Tsunamis

Hong Kong Sites

World Sites


  • Caritas Family Crisis Support Centre (明愛向晴軒) — 18288
  • Hospital Authority — Hospitals and Institutions Hotlines (醫院管理局醫院及醫療機構熱線一覽)
  • The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong (香港撒瑪利亞防止自殺會) — 23892222
  • Social Welfare Department (社會福利署) — 23432255

Best Practice


Manuals in Chinese

Manuals in English

Manuals in other languages


Pamphlets and other resources

Pamphlets and other resources in Chinese

Pamphlets and other resources in English

Pamphlets and other resources in other languages

  • Under construction